Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the NES

This game sucked. I guess Ultra knew kids in America would go ga-ga over anything with the TMNT name/logo on it, and while they were right, it still doesn't excuse this unbeatable pile of shit.

Some people can't get past the part where you diffuse the bombs at the dam, and others still can't get past that part where you're driving around in the Turtle Van (as of the last time I played, I am one of those people.)

You have four lives- one for each Turtle- Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Donatello. You had a chance to rescue your 'captured' bros later in the game, but since I've been that far about once, it's almost pointless unless you're really good at this game.

The only Turtle that was really worth a fuck was Leonardo since has weapon had good range and was quick. Donatello is worthy too. His weapon is powerful, has the best range, but it's slow. I rarely play as Raphael or Michelangelo, since their weapons are just terrible, Mike's being nearly worthless.

Bebop and Rocksteady are a couple of the bosses. They're pushovers. I made it to Mekaturtle once, and had my ass handed to me quickly. I typically get completely frustrated with this game before that point, and quit. I guess I was never very fond of mazes, which is why my favorite games involve beating the crap out of the enemy or blowing them away with firearms. That's why I find TMNT II: The Arcade Game, TMNT III: The Manhattan Project, and TMNT IV: Turtles in Time (for SNES) for more appealing.

Anywhere you go that sells old games will undoubtedly have a copy of this one. I recommend saving your money and buying one of the sequels instead, particularly II, if you're into vintage gaming.


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