
Who hasn't played this game? Who can't remember the code?
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start. (I did that from memory.)
If you didn't use that code, chances are you had your ass handed to you by stage four. If you were able to beat it without using the code, you were either lying or spent too much time playing games.
Back in the day, I didn't care that I couldn't beat the game. I just had fun blowing away gun turrets and unarmed guys who could jump really high. I loved the Spread gun, though I'll use the Laser if I find it.
And you have to love Nintendo Logic. A great alien menace lands on Earth (New Zealand, I've heard) and hires a bunch of humans to protect them. And what is the world's response? Two ripped guys who like big guns and don't like shirts go in and blow everything to holy hell. The guys are apparently really good gymnasts too. And their pants are to die for.
I think they thought up the alien BS when they ran out of other ideas for stages, so they just tacked this weird-ass alien stage on the end where you destroy the alien's heart. That was weird. And, my guess is they put that on there so you didn't confuse it with Reagan's mess.
I have Super C, though I rarely play it. And I've never played any of the sequels since then, though I'd like to get my hands on Contra III for the SNES.
Anyway, I love playing this game, and it gets a regular workout when I get tired of the 3-D pixelated nonsense from my X-Box. Whenever the NES gets turned on, that's one of the first games in the deck.
If you want a copy, I suggest checking video game stores before going to ebay. I was just there (looking for a box image to steal) and saw some ridiculous prices. The game isn't that hard to find. It should be able to be had for about $8, which I got mine for.