Super Mario Brothers 3

This is one of greatest games ever. If not THE greatest game ever.
You probably remember seeing it first in either "The Wizard" or the pages of Nintendo Power. I, for one, have never sat through "The Wizard", but I had heard from my friends who saw it at the time raving about that sequence where the game is in full action. (And yet, there was always that one weird kid who went on and on about the Power Glove.)
I received this game for Christmas 1990, along with thousands of other kids that year. I also received the Strategy Guide for it. I remember poring over the game with the guide, and being slightly annoyed when I'd pick a box in the Mushroom House that was supposed to contain a fire flower but had a mushroom instead.
I didn't get very far for a while. I managed to get to world 5 without warping, but I always ran out of lives on Roy Koopa's Doom Ship. But after a while, I got better and managed to beat the game within a year. Which was pretty good for me, since I kind of sucked at video games back then. And yes, I did it without the Game Genie, though that did make it easier to keep the Hammer Bros. suit which I managed to lose within five minutes otherwise. I wish I could have kept that green shoe through the whole game.
What else can be said about this game? If you owned a Nintendo back in the day, chances are you had this game and played the hell out of it. It was also rereleased on the Super Nintendo in the Super Mario All-Stars package, and it was almost better with the cel-shading and superior graphics. But it still can't match the original version in my eyes.