gimme that barge

Big Damn Barge

Hasbro revealed this bad boy at Toy Fair this year, Jabba's Sail Barge scaled for your 3.75" Star Wars figures. 4 feet long, and enough space for all the Jabba's menagerie figures you've collected since 1983. It's incredible, and possibly could be another jewel in the Star Wars crown.

It's an interesting experiment- Hasbro is seeking 5000 backers in the US only (so far) at $500 each to get one of these that will ship in April 2019. It's a Kickstarter model, and therefore Hasbro wants their money April 4th of THIS year. Otherwise, it doesn't get made. I can't blame Hasbro for mitigating their risk by asking for their money now. $2.5 million is a lot of money, and I'm willing to bet the tooling costs more than that.

I'd love to have one, obviously. I think the window is too short, but if they made it too long, it wouldn't happen. If there was an option to split up payments, I'd be in already. The GI Joe Collector's Club has offered a figure subscription service that is about equal in cost to this. Even they allowed you to split it up into three payments of about $170 each. Of course, the difference there is that those are made to order- it's happening without a random number of backers. This is far more popular than obscure GI Joe toys made to order. This Barge is at about 2100 backers with just over a month to go.

When this was first revealed, I was like "there's no way I'm buying this." But sometime last week, when it started to pick up steam, I started wondering if I should get in. I'd have to take the money out of savings, and sell some stuff to replace that money. Hell, I wish I had the money for two. I could sell one when I get it and fund this whole venture, basically getting one for free. But that puts me in too much risk. Oh well. I have a carded SDCC exclusive Sgt. Slaughter from the GI Joe 25th Anniversary line that could probably fetch me $200. But trying to sell to those cheap GI Joe fans isn't easy.

I'll probably end up going for this. I bought the Millennium Falcon and AT-AT Hasbro offered years ago, though I sold them and totally regret it now. I'd like to have this and hold onto it. I love anything from Return of the Jedi, Jabba's crew most of all. I'd like to see this HasLab thing succeed, so they try great stuff like this more often. This Disney era has been awful for Star Wars toys, when it should be a golden age, or at least silver. It probably has more to do with the release schedule, but the toys and movies are leaving me cold. Now, there's a giant ridiculous something I thought would never happen being offered, as well as the classic Kenner cardbacks returning for the toys. It needs to be supported, but I do feel it's just a little too expensive. I'll probably just end up getting drunk, backing it, and saying oh well, gimme my Barge.


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