Transformers review: Universe Sunstreaker

Sunstreaker is one of those G1 guys that has stayed very expensive. Firstly, the toy has never been reissued, so the ones that are out there are it. Secondly, he's based on a Lamborghini, and everybody thought those were really cool in 1984, so this new version has a lot of pent-up interest.

The car mode looks like a modern Lambo. Hell, those things are so out of my price range, I don't even bother looking at what they make anymore. (Personally, if I had the jack, I'd get a Ferrari.((Or more Transformers. Who am I kidding?))) As with most US Transformers, the vehicle mode would have a lot more zazz if Hasbro painted the plastic instead of molding it in the desired color, but they have to keep these things at $10 somehow.

After spending five minutes transforming this guy, I'm amazed it only cost $10. This is an Alternator/Binaltech level transformation here, folks. At least in my opinion. Sunstreaker shirks the hood-as-chest transformation featured on damn near every 1984 Autobot, instead using the roof and windshield as his chest. The doors were a little difficult to get loose, so be careful. Hasbro/TakaraTomy may design these parts to pop off, but the plastic could be easily broken on the doors.

The articulation on this guy is amazing. What makes these Classics 2.0/Universe toys so damn appealing is that they take the characters us old bastards love from G1 and update them with newer cars and modern toymaking. Sunstreaker is one of the best of this line, bar none. Looking at the toy in robot mode, it doesn't look nearly as cheap as Prowl does, since he has a little more color going on, plus the car he's based on is a lot more exotic, fitting Sunstreaker's vanity, I'm sure.

Hasbro is reworking this mold into Sideswipe, so that will be great. I bet we get Red Alert out of it too. I forgot to put this in the Prowl review, but we'll likely get a Blue(Silver)streak and a Smokescreen from that mold, which I like. Smokescreen was one of the TFs I had as a kid, and as happy as I was to buy that reissue, I'll be first in line for his Universe release. Which is probably another reason they can keep these at $10, since they can use the basic mold about three times.

I can't recommend Sunstreaker enough. I'd buy him over Prowl if you can only buy one.


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