Star Wars review: Lancer Droid

Yay, new Star Wars toys. Nay for shitty packaging.

So I spent a shit-ton of money on these things this weekend, especially wave 2 of the Legacy collection, which this guy comes from. I really, really liked these guys when I saw them in the Clone Wars cartoon all the way back in 2003, and it's taken this long for Hasbro to do proper figures from that cartoon.

I was all jazzed to own this guy, until I opened it up and saw the dicked-up way Hasbro has decided to package this figure. Not only is the left leg bent, the peg that connects to the hip is bent because of that, and now it won't stay in. So I have a $7 figure that won't stand up. Normally, I'd just buy another one and try to trade this to a customizer, but these are just too expensive to keep doing that.

Hasbro, seriously, what's your deal with being completely unable to package droids properly? Not only did you decide to make the toy out of gummy plastic, you put it in the blister in such a way that the toy is useless.

Well, toy fans, I'd recommend skipping this one for the other figures in the wave, since they're a little more substantial and won't be as easily damaged by the baffling way they're packaged. Oh, how I hope for a day where Star Wars toys are packaged like the GI Joe line. For one thing, it would be a little cheaper for Hasbro and better for the environment to not use so much packaging, and it wouldn't damage otherwise great toys.


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