Review: Don't call me Junior.

I picked this guy up recently, as a consolation prize for again missing the Elsa and Hnery Jones Sr. figures (I got Hasbro'd). It had decent paint, and it was an Indy with the tie, man.

But those were the only good things about it. Since Hasbro insists on packaging these figures with their weapons in their hands, it requires those cursed clear rubber bands, and they, of course, warp the hands. I've had it loose for a week, and only now can I fit the submachine gun in his hands. But barely. It takes both hands, and even then, if I look at it wrong, it falls out.

This Indy is a better effort than the Raiders or Crystal Skull versions. The Raiders version has no neck, so it looks funny. The Crystal Skull version has the removable hat, which is neat, but the hat is a little big. This seems to split the difference, giving us an Indy with a neck and a nonremovable hat. Oh yeah, and a tie. Can't forget the tie. It has good parts, and it has faults, and at $7-8 at retail, you can probably skip it. Though I wish you wouldn't when you're buying the only Elsa and Henry Sr. in the case.


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