GI Joe reviews: the rest of wave 8

I wasn't sure about buying the rest of this wave. When I first found them a month ago, I passed on them. I didn't think they were worth my $7 each, and for the most part, I was right.

First up, we have the Python Patrol, uh, Python Officer. I never had any love or contempt for Python Patrol back in the 1980s. I simply didn't acknowledge them, preferring instead the brand-new figures that were out. Even then, they were silly and borderline ugly, and not much has changed. It's a decent tribute to the 1980s and another for Hasbro to use the Cobra Soldier mold, but I doubt anyone is going to army build with this guy. Hell, I didn't even buy a sample to keep MOC.

Secondly, we have what I assume is a comic version of the Baroness. I ended up buying two of these, one because I wanted a MOC Baroness for my collection and the second so I could make a not-sucky custom Baroness. I took the head off my 5-pack Baroness, took the head off this new one a placed it on that body, and took a Sharpie to the green glasses. I have no doubt Hasbro will someday do the same thing. This figure was better suited to a comic pack, but I suppose that all the early issues where Baroness appeared this way were already reprinted in the comic pack line or featured characters that were done elsewhere, so this figure was placed in this repaint wave. It's a decent way to get a Baroness if you don't have one or, like me, you like the Marvel comic-colored toys.

Lastly, we have the loser of the wave, another repaint of the helmeted Cobra Commander. I skipped the Senior Officers pack at TRU with a similar Commander, and was set to skip this one, but I decided to pick it up because of the weird accessory that ties into the MASS device, and I got it for $6 at K-Mart.
I can still walk into my local Wal-Mart and buy like three of this figure, that are mixed in with the repacked Commander from wave 4. Not that I ever would, though. Not even to give to a needy kid. "We appreciate the effort, sir, but you don't have to mock the poor kid with such an awful toy. Give him a little credit." I haven't even opened this pile of suck yet. I bought a six dollar accessory that isn't even an inch tall. The buyer's remorse is shocking.

Basically, if there were new Star Wars toys on the shelves and if I hadn't finished the first two waves of Indiana Jones toys, I might have skipped these. I probably should have anyway, just to save money for wave 9.


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