blue skin, orange hair- perfect doppleganger for He-Man!

Get out there and knock 'em dead, sport. Geez, we must have been gullible as kids to fall for this being an impostor for He-Man. Sure, it was just a way to wring some more money out of molds to build equity early in the line, exactly the same now as it was then. Only when it costs nearly $30, you start to question how much equity do they need to build before I feel like an idiot.

I knew what I was buying well before I placed the order, it's just that I would have liked a little extra in the package, like a damaged head, ala the Terminator, since Faker here is a robot. But it didn't happen.

Mattel really needs to drop the con exclusive shit. Like, right now. But apparently, there's going to be one at SDCC this year, and odds are, it'll piss just as many people off as Faker here did, and King Grayskull last year, and Keldor in 2003. See a pattern? Just stop, for the love of God. Collectors don't enjoy them at all, they just buy them because you only offer it there, and we'd really like Character X in our collections. Why don't you offer something like a He-Man or Skeletor repaint at the cons, since you yourselves like those guys so much? Leave characters like Faker and King Grayskull as regular releases. If you can sell Zodac as a regular release, you can sell those guys even easier. [/rant]

Never had Faker as a kid, but was aware of him. Bought the Commemorative Faker in 2000, and it's one of my faves from that line. I missed out on the 200x Faker, due to him being a mail-order exclusive (though I acquired him in 2007 for $70) so there was no way I was missing out this time. Lots of people did, though. It's pretty stupid to try to sell a con exclusive as a regular release as well, especially with the production run this figure had. Well, Mattel has said that all the sold out figures will be returning, so that's good. Don't quit yet, team. You'll miss out on Hordak, who looks like the best figure in the line.



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