GI Joe wave 7

or 2008 wave 3 if you're going that way.

Clicky. I think they're all pretty great, except the Duke w/ jetpack. It's great to get some more accessories like JUMP packs, but I already bought that Duke mold twice.

Wild Bill is looking better, the HISS Driver was better suited for the Target exclusive HISS Tank. However, the Viper, Spirit, and Snake Eyes are all looking great. This version of Snake Eyes was the one I had back in the day, so I'm glad it was updated. I was glad to see they went with the stereotype version of Spirit. I liked the updated look he got in DTC, but this is an anniversary line. The Viper is going to be bloody, just like the Crimson Guard in wave 5. Hasbro could get a lot of mileage out of this mold, by doing another Viper Pit set and selling us a bunch for $25.

Major Bludd has been pushed back to wave 8.


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