haulin' ass

Spent a little money last night. I scored some Joes, some Star Wars toys, and some Transformers movie Legends figures.

Matt hooked me up with a Crimson Guard and Snow Job from wave 5 of the 25th Ann. line, after I had been to Target and only found leftover Snake Eyes figures from that wave. I also picked up the Duke/Cobra Commander comic pack, which also got me another sticker for Doc. Whee!

For Star Wars, I found the Wal-Mart exclusive wave of comic packs and walked away with a full set for Darby and the seperation of the twins pack and a Marvel Boba Fett pack for myself, skipping the funky Clone set. I also scored a Padme from wave 8, which was the last figure I really wanted from the 2007 line.

I bought a couple of packs of Allspark Battles Legends figures from the Transformers line too. I picked up Jazz/Bonecrusher and Ironhide/Blackout, and they're pretty neat. I think Ironhide is my favorite Legends-scale figure behind Barricade.

Then, I went to Dollar General today to buy some toilet paper and walked out with two Hot Wheels Barris Batmobiles (from the Adam West TV show), which I've been looking for all of 2007. I never expected to find them there, since I was looking for the cheap Joes DG carries, but it's finds like that that make this game fun.


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