Marvel Legends series 10

I finally completed this series tonight by finding the last three I needed- Cyclops, First Appearance Spider-Man, and Angel.

I finally got to put together the Sentinel, a part of which comes with every figure in this series. The other figures are Black Panther, Mystique, Omega Red, and Mr. Sinister.
The thing is absolutely HUGE. 16" tall, which is big enough to be a believable Sentinel for the 6" scale. It's the highlight of this series, no doubt.

I gladly purchased most of this series since I wanted the characters. I really didn't want to buy Panther and Spider-Man. But I did, and I wish I didn't. Panther's right arm came off when I tried to move it. It went right back on, but the shoulder is still stuck.
Spider-Man has a screwed-up left leg. The knee peg isn't there, and the lower leg is barely staying on. He's just going to sit in a box anyway, so it doesn't matter. I'm a little disappointed about Panther's shoulder being stuck, since it's an awesome figure that needs to be opened to be truly appreciated.
Mystique really isn't that great either. I've been waiting for a comic styled one for some time, and like most female characters in the ML line, she's a let-down. Toy Biz really knocked it out of the park with the Invisible Woman from the movie line, and they used the same body for this one. But they really cheaped out on it. The paint job really isn't that great, and she doesn't have any weapons. But she couldn't hold them anyway, so it isn't important.

The rest of the figures are just awesome. Cyclops is a good figure. He doesn't have light-up eyes like the Cyke from the X-Men Classics line, and that is good, since this one's head moves. I really like this costume, but I think I like the variant's better. The variant features the X-Factor uniform, with the big white X across his chest. I haven't found it, and doubt I will since series 11 and 12 are showing up already.
Angel is pretty cool. I don't remember this uniform, since it was in the comics from before I was born, but it looks great. I like the way Toy Biz did the wings. It's much better than what they did for the X-Men Classics Archangel. There's a variant for this figure as well, which is the X-Factor costume. It just replaces the red on the regular figure's costume with blue, so I'm not missing much. I probably wouldn't buy it if I found it.
Mr. Sinister is an excellent figure. Tall, mean-looking, and executed nearly perfectly. His cape isn't exactly comic-accurate, but it's as close as a three dimensional Sinister is going to get.
Omega Red is my favorite of the bunch. He's absolutely huge. Buy him if you like X-Men bad guys. I find it difficult to beleive this figure warms pegs here as much as he does. It's one of the best villain figures Toy Biz has ever done, but I guess he's just too under-the-radar for most ML fans to care.

If you're looking to buy some but not all figures from this series, I would suggest skipping Spider-Man and Mystique. There are much better Spider-Man figure in his own line called Spider-Man Classics. And Mystique is just a stinker. If you don't care or know about the character, I'd just skip it.
But if you want to build that Sentinel, you'll have to buy them all. The Sentinel itself is a great addition to the line. Whoever thought up this build-a-figure idea definetely deserves a raise. I just wish the character selection for series 9 and 10 was better. I think the line took a cut in quality to offer these huge figures, and I hope to see an end to the build-a-figure idea soon. Series 12 features an Apocalypse build-a-figure. I know Apoc was a shape-shifter, but I think that one's supposed to be 15" tall, which is too big in my opinion. I never found the 7" version from series 7 and it just goes for too much on ebay. Oh well.

I found some of series 11 last week. It's easily the worst series yet, both in terms of quality control and character selection. I bought Ultron and Taskmaster, and when I find them, I'll buy Wonder Man, Vengeance, and Hulk Buster Iron Man. I refuse to buy the First Appearance Thing since it looks terrible, and the Logan in this series looks OK, but I have PLENTY of Wolverine figures. If I found Scarlet Witch, I'd have to think about it. I want a Witch figure, but this one looks absolutely atrocious, again, like most female characters in the ML line.


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