
New TF toys revealed

These are the two preview toys for the new TF flick, Revenge of the Fallen. I won't be buying Bumblebee, since I bought two of those back for the first movie, and I don't think I'll buy Soundwave either. What exactly is this? The link says it's a jet, and if that's what passes for a jet on Cybertron, it's no wonder the Autobots kicked the shit of the Decepticons in the first movie even though they're just automobiles and the Decepticons are war machines. Then I've heard it's a satellite, which makes a little more sense, and is a logical thing for Soundwave to be.

Of course, I ended up with at least one toy version of every character from the first movie, and I professed to hate that, so I'm pretty sure I'm buying this dude anyway. I just wish I knew if the Universe line was going on hiatus again for the movie toys, because I'm starting to like what that line has to offer.


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