Ghosts of Christmas Past #3
Yeah, I'm more than a week late. Oh well.

I received the Cobra Wolf for Christmas in 1987. I don't remember asking for it, but my parents knew I'd enjoy whatever I got as long as it was He-Man, Transformer, or GI Joe related.
Back in the day, Hasbro used to sell vehicles disassembled, like a model car. My dad built model cars when he was a kid, so I think he enjoyed getting these for me and putting them together.
This was one of my few vehicles. I seemed to have more Cobra vehicles than Joe, which didn't really bother me. After all I had more Joe figures. Cobra had to make up the difference somehow.
Of course, this vehicle, like many other toys I had, didn't survive in a complete state very long, since I had two brothers. I have most of the pieces in storage somewhere, but like every other toy I used to have, I have promised myself I'd get a new one, but I never do. I guess this is relegated to memories of playing in the backyard with all my Joes, losing all their accessories and loving it.
I received the Cobra Wolf for Christmas in 1987. I don't remember asking for it, but my parents knew I'd enjoy whatever I got as long as it was He-Man, Transformer, or GI Joe related.
Back in the day, Hasbro used to sell vehicles disassembled, like a model car. My dad built model cars when he was a kid, so I think he enjoyed getting these for me and putting them together.
This was one of my few vehicles. I seemed to have more Cobra vehicles than Joe, which didn't really bother me. After all I had more Joe figures. Cobra had to make up the difference somehow.
Of course, this vehicle, like many other toys I had, didn't survive in a complete state very long, since I had two brothers. I have most of the pieces in storage somewhere, but like every other toy I used to have, I have promised myself I'd get a new one, but I never do. I guess this is relegated to memories of playing in the backyard with all my Joes, losing all their accessories and loving it.