the nerve of some people

AFA graded SDCC exclusive Cobra Commander at Hasbro Toy Shop

This is awesome. Take a con exclusive, that some of even your most loyal GI Joe collectors DON'T have, and sit on it for a few months. Send it to AFA, charge an arm and a leg for it, and see the toy bloggers piss and moan about it.

My ill will towards Hasbro grows every time I see stuff like this. I gave up on owning ths figure sometime in August, and I did promise myself that if I ever saw AFA graded con exclusives on their website again, I'd sell my stuff because this is revolting to me. I guess it's time get off the pot, because I've made a sizable investment in this line, and I'm not selling it to anyone. I guess it's time to realize that Hasbro is a company that exists to make a profit, and when I consider that the economy is in the shitter, Hasbro has to make money for the line to continue. If this is a way for them to get it, they really need to go for it, since toys are a luxury if there ever was one, and luxury items never fare well in recessions. I just wish they'd make enough of these con exclusives that more people could get them. They didn't have a problem making enough of those Combat Heroes Snake Eyes and Timber 2-packs; I have no idea why this CC is getting the shaft.


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