Retromercial of the Day: Days 14, 15, and 16

Got some catching up to do. Cursed ISP outages!

Thundercats. Never got into them nor watched their cartoon. But they had some neat toys. I was more interested in Masters of the Universe, but this line was just as creative.

With the powers of Nintendo and McDonald's combined, they will surely rule the competition for decades to come.

You have to love inflation. You used to be able to get a burger, fries, drink, and cheap toy for $2. Now you consider yourself fortunate to have a Dollar Menu that actually has items for $1.

Probably the third-greatest toy line of all time behing GI Joe and Star Wars. I'll gamble and say that the TMNT toys were a lot more creative than either of those two lines. A line that has anthropomorphic turtles, pandas, giraffes, and crocodiles fighting each other all while mocking the cliches of comic books is something that should never lose its appeal.


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