Behold, Galvatron! part 1

He's big, he's expensive, and he's purple. If his name wasn't Galvatron and if he wasn't a Transformer, no one would care.

This is the newest reissue from Takara, the Japanese makers of Transformers. I acquired this sample from Big Bad Toy Store, the best source for Transformers and the best prices I've seen, plus they're the best online store I've ever purchased from. (I wonder if I'll get a kickback for that plug. :) )

This particular reissue didn't come in one of those goofy white boxes with the Pat Lee art. This guy instead came in a long purple box nearly identical to his first issue in Japan, just this time with some art I've never seen before.

I like this better than those white boxes, even if I can't read a word on the box besides Takara's logo.

Galvatron is much, much bigger than his previous incarnation, Megatron.

Galvatron does look better in robot mode than Megatron does, in my opinion. I think most of the movie-era Transformers were designed with the robot mode in mind first, alternate mode second, whereas it was opposite for early TFs (aka Diaclone and other weird lines.)

Galvatron features a nifty little extra with this release (besides his new anime-accurate paint job): the Autobot Matrix of Leadership he stole from Ultra Magnus before destroying him. It has a little chain that fits around his head and comes down to the chest.


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