Transformers review: I want my $10 back.

This thing sucks. Avoid it at all costs. I was stoked to hear about the return of the Transformers Classics line. I was even happier to hear that Galvatron would be making an appearance. Then I saw pics of the prototype at this year's Toy Fair. Galvatron is only a Deluxe. And it wasn't all that nice-looking. But, I bought it anyway. I hate it.

Firstly, it was a pain to transform. I didn't like the tank mode, so I had to transform it right away. I'm leaving it in robot mode, since not only would it be a pain to get it back to vehicle mode, it's just that the purchase is slightly redeemed by the robot mode. The G1 Galvatron is a big toy, taller than his contemporaries by a few inches. While this new version is a little more closer in scale to the rest of your TFs, it just feels cheap. He fares much better than Prowl, color-wise. I guess his legs just look cheap and bootleggy.

I'd advise you to skip this one. I find it ridiculous that Hasbro tries to push this and the shitty Seeker repaint Acid Storm on us when all we really want to buy is $10 versions of Thundercracker, Dirge, and Thrust. It's been 18 months- fuck the whiny 2007 Botcon attendees.


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