GI Joe review: Falcon/Nemesis Enforcer comic pack

Screw the 'Nemesis Immortal' name- I like my toys to be un-PC.

What I don't like on my toys, specifically on my GI Joes, are figures that can't stand up due to an obvious design flaw. Namely, the wings on NE. They're so heavy that it's impossible to get him to stand up straight with them on. And the green tentacles just look stupid, so it's pretty much a letdown. Which isn't good, because I was really looking forward to this comic pack and was almost ecstatic when I found it last week. Other than that, Nemesis Enforcer is a fantastic-looking figure. I think he's using an all-new sculpt, or if he isn't, it's sure disguised well. He's tall, purple, and mean-looking. Just like his vintage counterpart.

I was expecting to really be disappointed with Falcon, but he ended up saving the purchase for me. Firstly, he has the loathed Duke arms, which Hasbro said a year ago they would phase out. (Yeah, whatever, you liars.) Then the figure's face sculpt looked a little funny. But that went away when I opened the pack up. Hasbro packaged him at an angle that wasn't flattering to the (admittedly off) face sculpt. Falcon looks a lot better out of package, so don't let that put you off. I was happy to be pleased with this figure, especially when his vintage ARAH counterpart was one of my main Joes back in the day, and I was glad to hear he was coming back in the new Joe line.

Yes, I was all-in-all very pleased with this purchase, partly because I don't find many new comic packs and partly this one features some movie characters, a part of the franchise I didn't think would get much love in the modern line. It's really starting to look like 1987 on my desk right now, with this comic pack and wave 9 all hanging around on it. I should probably get Serpentor out and have him battle Falcon too. It'd really be cool if Hasbro had the ability to do a modern Sgt. Slaughter, but I'm afraid that's out of the question these days.


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