i hate you, Mutt Williams.

Indy: Really dead.

Well, sumbitch. On one hand, it's nice have one less line to hunt. On the other hand, I at least wanted that second Raiders wave before this line went away.

I think it's time we started a campaign to at least get Toht. Hasbro used that body make an exclusive this year, so it can't be too expensive to make a Toht exclusive. I mean, they have a website where they sell toys, and failing that, there's always the 2009 SDCC. But considering the indifference to this line, that won't happen.

In other news, I got my first Crystal Skeleton last week, and my Temple of Doom wave is due to arrive this week. So after I acquire an Elsa Schneider, my collection is as complete as Hasbro will allow.


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