Review: You Have Chosen...Wisely.

Yes, friends, I finally found a Last Crusade action figure that's not Indy. It's the one figure that sold me on the line when I first saw pictures for it in April- the Grail Knight, immortal protector of the Holy Grail.

First off, the figure looks great. The sculpt is awesome, bringing to life what I think is the most visually interesting figure in the Indiana Jones line. This great sculpt also works against him, as he's sculpted with a hunch (he is around 700 years old) and on my sample, the figure really likes to lean forward. The cape doesn't help matters any, as it's plastic, and doesn't like to move.

The accessories include the sword he can't handle anymore and the figure-scale true Grail. I probably would have bought this figure anyway just for the Grail, but I also got a figure of a really ancient guy from the Crusades who guarded the Grail since then. If you can find it, get it. It won't be around much longer.

On a different but related note, I have never seen such an impending epic fail as this Temple of Doom wave case. Let's see- one each of the new figures, two RPG Indys (already warming pegs nationwide), one Mutt (Jesus, what a mess), one TLC Indy (I guess I'm OK with that one), and two Raiders Indy with idol. The line was on life support just by the fact that the first two waves were overshipped, but this case is just insulting. As it is, I did get a preorder in for a set of 6 ToD figures, but after seeing this case, I'll be shocked if they can actually deliver. Face it, kids- this case will officially kill this line. We won't even get a chance to buy that second Raiders wave.


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