Retromercial of the Day: Day 34

Criminy, I can't get enough of these GI Joe commercials. This is for what was probably my most lusted-after of all vehicles, the Moray Hydrofoil. A friend of mine had it, and I always thought it was the coolest thing in the world. He rarely touched it, because he was afraid of breaking it. All I had for boats from the Joe line were the Devil Fish and its Tiger Force repaint, the (wait for it) Tiger Fish. So, yeah, boat envy was present even among seven year olds.

Hasbro rereleased the Hydrofoil in 2005 for the Valor vs Venom line, and made it a Joe vehicle instead of a Cobra one. I happily forked over the $40 for that, and displayed it proudly on my desk, full of all my SEAL Joes. Then I moved last summer, and now it's covered in dust in a box somewhere. Irony, no? It's a shame these 25th Anniversary guys have an extra quarter inch on the rest of my Joes. Otherwise, they'd look good on the old vehicles.


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