Cobra Commander thinks of nothing but murder all day.

A friend of mine was kind enough to pick this up for me. For those of you non-nerds that come here, it's the newest version of Cobra Commander from the GI Joe 25th Anniversary line, currently flying out of fine and not-so-fine retail establishments nationwide. (Seriously, I dare you to find one now.)

I remember poring over those cardbacks back in the day, and seeing this little picture of Cobra Commander on the back of the 1987 and '88 cards. (Also explains why my eyes are so bad.) This was a surprise to me, since I was pretty sure the Commander turned into a weird snake thing at the end of the GI Joe movie the previous year. (I didn't read the Larry Hama-scripted comic, so I went with the cartoon. I was six. Bite me.) But here he was, in this new battle armor! Awesome!

Never did find this guy. I was content with my hooded Cobra Commander that I mailed in for. Sure, I eventually got one a few years ago, but it's not the same, especially since I bought it on ebay. So when Hasbro announced they were issuing this new figure, I knew I had to get my hands on it. Matt found it last week and hooked me up this weekend, and the thing hasn't left my desk since. It's a fantastic piece of pop art, made better by the nostalgia backing it up. Just like the whole line of 25th Anniversary figures. The next wave of these, out in a couple of months, features the 3rd version of Snake Eyes, which was the version I had back in the day. Sure, most fans are so happy with the earlier (1982-1985) characters being redone in this line, but give me the later (1986-1989) stuff over that anyday.


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