New Star Wars Target exclusives

I'm not doing to well on keeping up on the Star Wars toys. I found the 30th Ann. wave 6 this weekend, but I passed on them since the McQuarrie Snowtrooper was gone. Not getting the Concept figures usually ends up being a deal-breaker for me buying these at retail. I can't wait till this subset is finally done. The toys are great, but the easiest ones to get were the fucking con exclusives. That's pathetic.
So let's look at something else that's really great in Star Wars collecting.

If there's one thing I usually loathe, it's Target exclusives. Especially since the local outlet very rarely stocks enough of ANYTHING to satisfy demand, and when they do, it does poorly and goes to clearance.

Odds are, these two pieces won't:

Battle of Hoth Battle Pack

Battle of Endor Battle Pack

I have yet to own a modern AT-ST, so these are a real treat. Plus, the Endor set has Ewoks and fucking logs, man. LOGS! It's better than bad, it's good.
They should be out at your local Target this holiday season. My guess is they're a Black Friday item. Of course, I said that about the Imperial Shuttle last year, and that was after that.
Both sets are supposed to run $50 each, which is a tremendous deal for both. Leave a pair for me, guys. ;)


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