Sideshow 1:6 Darth Maul

is so awesome it'll melt your face and kick your ass so hard you'll taste your spleen.
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I bought one of these this weekend. I had it on preorder with Sideshow. It was supposed to arrive in the 1st Quarter of 2007, but it came early, a mere two weeks before Christmas. Since I was tapped out, I had to cancel my preorder for my Inclusive Edition which has the battle-damaged lightsaber.

However, this weekend I found one at my LCS, and paid the $65 to bring it home. I reasoned I could do without the BD lightsaber- I've missed every other exclusive when it comes to these figures, why should Maul be any different? Besides, he's got plenty of other accessories and I have an older Hasbro version that has a lightsaber that splits in two, so that's pretty well covered.

And now, you're wondering why I bought this one since I have a Hasbro version. Well, this one is eons beyond Hasbro's work, even on their best days. The lightsaber alone is a piece of work, and you get three- one with both ends ignited, one with only one side lit, and a third unlit hilt. No detachable blades to lose, or be subject to toy safety laws, since it's an adult collectible you have to sell a small part of your soul to own.

This figure also has an extra robe, the one he wore dueling Qui-Gon on Tatooine.

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Also featured are extra hands, two of which are a Force push right hand and a left hand with the droid controller. (You can also buy the probe droids that hunted the Jedi and the Queen on Tatooine in a seperate purchase.) There's also the electrobinoculars he used on Tatooine as well, easily hitting all of Maul's big moments from The Phantom Menace, though admittedly, there weren't many.

The articulation is what sets this apart from Hasbro's work. Any pose you could think of, this thing can do. In fact, Sideshow has a contest going right now where you pose your Maul figure in the craziest way you can, take pictures, send it to them, and win prizes. That's good, I guess. My plan was to take pictures of him standing over a dismembered Barbie, kind of a grisly specter of death cutting through our materialistic society's idea of perfection, excellently depicted in pixels, but I couldn't bring myself to buy a Barbie.

So, you go buy a Maul and do that instead because I'd like to see that. Maul has my recommendation, and I'm an expert because the dollar amount I've spent on Star Wars stuff outpaces the GDP of several Third World countries.


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