killbot by westinghouse


Star Wars toys are coming fast and furious these days, thanks to a dicked-up release pattern by Hasbro. This summer was a drought, with Legacy wave 5 showing up in March/April, wave 6 I didn't see until June (and only sporadically), and wave 7 barely made it out here at all until October when Kohl's unleashed a torrent of that particular wave. In the last two months, I've seen figures from four waves in rapid sucession. I won't even be close to scoring what I want from one wave before the next shows up. This has been happening for a few years now, but it's no less annoying. For instance, I picked up this figure, Concept Art IG-88 from wave 11, a full week before I found and picked up the figures I wanted from wave 10.

Based on concept art for The Empire Strikes Back by Ralph McQuarrie, I knew as soon as I saw this figure I had to own it. I know the art was merely intended for a background character from a galaxy far, far away, but I'll be damned if it doesn't look like a killbot designed by Westinghouse during the Cold War. So that's why I bought it. Plus, I really dig the subcollection of Concept Art figures Hasbro's been doing the last couple of years.

If you can find it, I'd recommend picking it up. It still looks Star Wars-y, even though it seems to lack the used-univese aesthetic.

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