i like my doom all glowy.

Ah, yes. Scare Glow here is one of the figures I was wishing for when Masters of the Universe Classics began, and less than a year into the line, he's chilling on my shelf. Happy dance? Fuck you, I'm going to do it anyway.

Scare Glow was a figure that came at the end of the original Masters line in the 1980s. He was in the very last series, just so you know. To be honest, I never knew/remembered he existed until 1999 when I discovered he-man.org. By the time he came out, I had pretty much moved on to GI Joe, and I knew that last series also had King Randor and the Sorceress, and I mainly spent my time looking for them. This Scare Glow character just didn't register for me. I had plenty of bad guys (most of the figures in the original line were villains) so I rarely looked for more.
However, as a discerning adult collector, Scare Glow appealed to me, mostly I'm sure due to scarcity. That's just how it works for toy collectors- if it's rare, it's gotta be good.

The original figure these days sells for way too much money for me to consider parting with for a loose action figure, and it continues. My vintage MOTU collection is damn near complete, save for that last series. So, I was glad when Scare Glow was announced as November's MOTUC figure.

As is the fashion, Scare Glow just takes the standard body with a new head, accessories, and paint to create a new figure. It's been this way with MOTU since 1981, so no surprises there. Except that he's got some pretty big guns for a skeleton. Scare Glow is molded in glow-in-the-dark plastic so he can (get this) GLOW IN THE FUCKING DARK! And yes, even though it cost me nearly $30 and is intended to be a collector's item, the fact that a toy GLOWS IN THE FUCKING DARK is just as neat as it was when I was a kid. It's really powerful, too. I have no doubt that over time it'll be less brilliant of a glow, but it's great right now.

His accessories include a scythe (of doom!) and a Cursed Grayskull reliquary. Why they gave a bad dude the key to Grayskull, I don't know. You can take that off his wrist and put it on any other figure, so there's that. I do like that they include new accessories with these figures, because all this body reuse would be difficult to accept if these things only came with one weapon and still cost $30 even after Mattel's made the money back on the body tooling at least a few times over now.

Your only option to secure this guy is either ebay or a trade with a fellow collector. This dude sold pretty quick; it only lasted a couple of days. (Hey, I still have to pick up Tri-Klops and Webstor.) This figure is well worth your hard-earned scratch if you're a fan. If not, you probably didn't read this far anyway.


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