you got a lot of guts coming here, after what you pulled.

BBTS linky!
So, one of my favortie e-tailers is having a 15% off sale, so I took advantage of it. I picked up Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator vehicle for $14, and some vintage Star Wars figures- Bespin Han, Bespin Lando, Leia Boushh, and Rebel Commando. The best part? They were 15% off too, so I got Han and Lando for $10.20 each, Leia for $9.35, and the Rebel for $6.80, which I might add is cheaper than a modern figure at retail. They are all complete and in great condition. Check the sale out, yeah?

Since I have nothing Star Wars-related to buy until July, I suppose I'm going to try to complete and update my vintage collection. I never had the Bespin Han, so that completes the ESB line for me. Now all I have left are 16 of the last 17 figures, and some ROTJ Ewoks. Though these are all very expensive, which is why I don't have them. When I was looking for the MOC Jedi Luke, I had my eye on a Endor Luke from the POTF line. That guy ended up selling for $43. This is why I'm buying figures like Leia Boushh and the Rebel Commando- I have these figures, and I have since 1985. But I want the cheaper figures to be in a nice minty condition before I embark on the POTF line.


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