
I was one of the few MOTU fans who was lucky enough to score both Trap Jaw and Battle Cat from the MOTUC line from last month. How are they? They kick more ass than I ever thought possible.

Firstly, let's look at Trap Jaw.

Trappy here was one of those guys I always wanted when I was a kid, but never found him, for some reason. It wasn't until I was an adult (more or less) that I acquired one. His 200x toy was my favorite figure in that line, and that is again true with this new version.

Trap Jaw moves in all the right places, has all his original attachments for his right arm (claw, hook, and laser gun) as well as some new pieces from his 200x incarnation. Those are a new head and a non-mechanical right arm, which was his appearance before Skeletor pwned his ass and left him for dead. According to his bio that appears on the back of the card, Tri-Klops rebuilt Kronis into Trap Jaw, and now the broken zombie man serves Skeletor, forever his bitch. Kinda sucks for him.

I also spent $30 on Battle Cat. It's (pardon the French) fucking fantastic. When I first added it to my cart, I was shocked at the $10.55 shipping. But I bought it anyway, and it totally validates my Battle Armor He-Man purchase last month.

Battle Cat was a necessary purchase back in the old days. You just had to have him. The same is true now. Be sure to get one later this year when Mattel has more for sale, because they totally screwed the pooch on this month's sale. I will say, though- it took me fifteen minutes to add both TJ and BC to my cart and finish the transaction, but that's less time than it would take me to get in my car and drive to all the local retail establishments looking for these and not finding a damn thing, which was what killed the 200x line. I much prefer it this way, to be totally honest. Though, UPS can still go fuck themselves.


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