Star Wars Ralph McQuarrie Signature Series Luke Skywalker

That's a mouthful.

Yes, one of the much-maligned Star Wars Celebration IV exclusives is now in my possession, by way of I had to jump through a few hoops to get it, but in the end, it beat the hell out of driving to ten different stores or ordering a whole case of figures just to get this one McQuarrie-related one. Hell, at this point, I almost wish this whols subset was exclusive to somewhere.

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It comes on a card just like the rest of the McQuarrie stuff. The only way you know this was a C4 exclusive is the sticker on the clamshell or bitched about it on message boards for weeks leading up to HTS offering them.

The figure itself looks great. As depicted on the package, this particular rendering had Luke facing Darth Vader with his side/back to the viewer, which is probably the one piece that really sold 20th Century Fox on making this little movie then called "The Star Wars."

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The face underneath the breathing mask doesn't really look like anybody. Just some random human dude. Odds are you're not going to take the mask off anyway. He comes with a lightsaber and a blaster. The lightsaber is greenish, and is detachable from the hilt. I like this feature. The hilt clips onto the belt sideways, unlike just hanging there like they did in the movies. It really sets it apart from the basic Star Wars line.

Articulation is OK. Just like usual, Hasbro aims for 410 feet, but the ball drops at about 390. Luke here features all the great articulation that Hasbro has figured out how to engineer into 3.75" toys EXCEPT for the elbows. Instead of ball joints similar to the knees, Hasbro saw fit to make them cut/swivel joints instead. While these joints do look a little cleaner, I kind of expected a home run with this figure, especially when it cost me about $20 after shipping. But that's my only nitpick.

If you have any interest at all in the McQuarrie subset (and who doesn't?) and you had the presence of mind to be on the interwebs during the Memorial Day weekend, odds are you have this in your hot little hands right now. I don't know where else to get them besides ebay right now, since Hasbro sold all theirs and caught an enormous amount of flak for a related problem that we won't get into here. However, you can get the other C4 exclusive, which was McQuarrie versions of C-3PO and R2-D2 from They bought the remaining stock from GenCon, and they haven't sold them all. It's likely that store is fucked because of this, so you should buy a set from them.

And here's a gallery of McQuarrie's Star Wars concept artwork, because you can never get enough of this stuff. As great as the stuff for Star Wars is, the work for The Empire Strikes Back is far neater to me, mostly because it isn't seen as often.


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