Transformers movie previews
Finally procured my set of movie preview toys tonight. I went through all sorts of fuzz to get them. I started at Toys R Us, who hadn't stocked them yet. I was dejected, but we're only getting started. I next popped over to Target, who hadn't put them out either. They at least had space set aside, so it was progress, but no toys=no good. So then I went to the two local Wal-Mart stores, which I will note I despise with a passion. I was also looking for the recent Transformers exclusives they have from the Classics and Alternators lines, and they had not a fucking thing. No movie toys, no exclusives, jack shit. So I got out of there while avoiding the midday mob.
I figured that K-Mart would have them, since they're the only place left in town I hadn't checked. They didn't have them either. I was all "dammit" so I went back home and watched TV. I took the day off since I needed a day off, so I enjoyed the rest of it.
About 8 PM, I decided I'd check TRU again while I was out getting grub. Finally, I hit the jackpot! Twelve pegs of mean-looking shardformers! I quickly grabbed one set of Prime and Starscream. Then one of the employees walked by the display, and declared these weren't supposed to be out yet. Now, I'm positive I know more about Transformers than a teenage girl who works at Toys R Us ("I was playing with TFs before you were born, sister..."), so I politely explained that these were preview figures, and that the street date was May 1st, which is TODAY! Surprise! She let me buy my set, but took the whole display down afterwards.
And people wonder why Toys R Us as a chain is failing.

At any rate, I have movie toys, and much to my pleasant surprise, they're great. While I wasn't too keen on the movie designs at first, I now see what Hasbro, Paramount, and Dreamworks are going after here- a reboot of the franchise, much like Beast Wars was ten years ago. So when you look at it in that light, these toys are great.
I don't like the vehicle modes, which is basically a giant metal comet. Though I have to imagine the look is hard to pull off in a $10 toy. I assume that's the reason why Hasbro packaged them in robot mode, since these guys look great like that. These are some extremely poseable toys, too. I was surprised by that. Much better than those G1 bricks we all know and love. It's up to the fan whether or not they look better, but these aren't in any way trying to copy G1.
If you're on the fence, I'd suggest buying one and trying it out. I'd recommend Prime, because I feel he's the slight better of the two. I think I'm in for the movie line, which I now have a month to save up for. That will all be out on June 2nd, so if you're looking to buy me a birthday present, just keep in mind my b'day falls the day after. :)
I figured that K-Mart would have them, since they're the only place left in town I hadn't checked. They didn't have them either. I was all "dammit" so I went back home and watched TV. I took the day off since I needed a day off, so I enjoyed the rest of it.
About 8 PM, I decided I'd check TRU again while I was out getting grub. Finally, I hit the jackpot! Twelve pegs of mean-looking shardformers! I quickly grabbed one set of Prime and Starscream. Then one of the employees walked by the display, and declared these weren't supposed to be out yet. Now, I'm positive I know more about Transformers than a teenage girl who works at Toys R Us ("I was playing with TFs before you were born, sister..."), so I politely explained that these were preview figures, and that the street date was May 1st, which is TODAY! Surprise! She let me buy my set, but took the whole display down afterwards.
And people wonder why Toys R Us as a chain is failing.
At any rate, I have movie toys, and much to my pleasant surprise, they're great. While I wasn't too keen on the movie designs at first, I now see what Hasbro, Paramount, and Dreamworks are going after here- a reboot of the franchise, much like Beast Wars was ten years ago. So when you look at it in that light, these toys are great.
I don't like the vehicle modes, which is basically a giant metal comet. Though I have to imagine the look is hard to pull off in a $10 toy. I assume that's the reason why Hasbro packaged them in robot mode, since these guys look great like that. These are some extremely poseable toys, too. I was surprised by that. Much better than those G1 bricks we all know and love. It's up to the fan whether or not they look better, but these aren't in any way trying to copy G1.
If you're on the fence, I'd suggest buying one and trying it out. I'd recommend Prime, because I feel he's the slight better of the two. I think I'm in for the movie line, which I now have a month to save up for. That will all be out on June 2nd, so if you're looking to buy me a birthday present, just keep in mind my b'day falls the day after. :)