you're not even trying

The Fallen revealed

Massive spoilers there, if you're one of three people still actually interested in this movie. (One here, have yet to meet the other two.)

A "Cybertronian jet?" That makes three Decepticons that transform into one of those. How about showing a little more creativity with the alt modes? A "Cybertronian jet" is code for "big nothing," obviously. What made and still makes the TFs work is convincing robot and vehicle modes, but this just looks like the bot folds in half, puts his legs in front of him, and puts his head up his iron sphincter. At least the Autobots designs have it right. Well, to be fair, the robot mode on this is pretty freaky, at least different enough from what's come before. But, still. "Cybertronian jet." Blah.


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