Star Wars Saga Legends

Repacked Star Wars figures coming out next year.

And I thought I was going to be done with Star Wars forever. Here, Hasbro is finally opening the floodgates on the figures us fans have wanted again for years- the foreign-only Pit Droids, Dark Troopers, TC-14, VTSC Biker Scout, AOTC Clone Officers, and even some droids that were pack-ins with exclusives.
Of course, those I listed above were all chosen by fans. The ones that Hasbro picked for the Saga Legends line leave a lot to be desired. (Does anyone really want to see that particular Anakin Skywalker mold again?) But still, good on them for getting a plain-white AOTC Clone and some TPM and AOTC Battle Droids out again.

With all this neat stuff coming out again, Star Wars might move to being my favorite line to collect again.


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